63 images Created 22 Sep 2017
Kalakwasan 2017
I always look forward to returning to the indigenous Batak village of Kalakwasan inside the recently declared Cleopatra's Needle Critical Habitat forest reserve, Palawan, and having sufficient time to wander around photographing their simple way of life. I first went there in 2010 and have been several times since so they are becoming quite used to seeing me with my camera now, although I still feel as if I'm intruding on their privacy to a degree. But hopefully they will all come to realise the importance of me documenting a precious sustainable way of life that is threatened around the world by rampant greed and consumerism. They are the most beautiful and photogenic people that I know of and I never tire of photographing them going about their normal daily routines and the children playing happily together with virtually no toys apart from ones they have made.