One of my favourite campsites overlooking Tenakee Inlet with my new tent, Tenakee Springs, Chichagof Island, Southeast Alaska, USA.
Most of my kayaking and outdoor gear was used for many years, and occasionally, I treated myself to something new like this excellent Sierra Design tent. Most of my kayak dry-bags were well worn and scratched, but as long as I could keep repairing them I carried on using them. One of the biggest culprits for damaging my dry-bags were the pesky squirrels that always knew how to find their favourite snacks, especially peanuts! It was uncanny how they would nibble a hole straight through the coated waterproof fabric and heavy-duty polythene zip-lock bags exactly where their desired morsels were located. My cooking gear was certainly well battered and grubby with carbon, but all of my tatty gear and clothes had served a vital role for many years, and formed part of what was like a friendly family of very familiar objects that accompanied me on all of my epic kayaking trips.
- Filename
- Alaska-camping-kayaking18.jpg
- Copyright
- Duncan Murrell
- Image Size
- 5319x3546 / 18.3MB
- Contained in galleries
- Camping and Kayaking